Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa, is that you?

One of the reasons we made sure to take the train to the North Pole this year is because we aren't sure how many more years of true believing we have left! Even though my kids are only six and four, we've already had to become very creative with our answers to questions about Santa. Last year, we established the fact all the Santa Clauses that we see at the mall, parties, etc. are "Santa helpers," meaning they help the real Santa who is so busy getting ready for Christmas Eve at the North Pole, that he couldn't possibly leave so close to Christmas. Plus, as my son added, "The North Pole is like, 3,000 miles away, so it would take him too long to get here and then back to the North Pole." Good point, son.

Santa, or rather, one of Santa's helpers, makes an appearance at the kids' school each year on the last day of school before Christmas break. When I asked the kids if Santa made a visit, my son answered very nonchalantly, "Yes, but it wasn't the real Santa. The real Santa is at the North Pole packing his sleigh." To which I heartily agreed. Then he continued, "Besides, do you know I really knew it wasn't the real Santa?" "How," I asked curiously. "He was wearing a yellow visitor's pass." A definite give away for sure! "And, it didn't say St. Nick!"


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