Friday, November 20, 2009

What Happened Along the Way

Today was one of those days where someone would need a map to follow my discombobulated path of cleaning the house. My single-minded, focused goal when I woke up this morning was to clean the house for our weekend visitors. My path to cleanliness started in the bathrooms. While I was waiting for the tub cleaner to work it's magic, I thought I would put a load of laundry in the washer. The problem was that on the way to the washer, I walked through the living room filled with clean laundry in need of folding. Stopped to fold some laundry. Darn! I was going to put some laundry in the washer. I should really do that before I finish folding. On the way to the washer, I walked through the kitchen where breakfast dishes were still sitting on the counter. Stopped to do some dishes. Darn! The laundry! I really need to put the laundry in the washer before finishing the dishes. Finally make it to the garage and the washer. As the washer is filing with water (clothes already in), a cricket decides to jump into the washing machine. It takes me almost 30 minutes to empty the washer of wet clothes and scoop the cricket out and then reload the washer. At this point, I am vaguely remembering something about a bathtub.


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