Not too long ago, my four-year-old came running out of the bedroom where she was watching TV declaring, "Mom! Mom! It's a pillow and it's a pet. We have to go to www.pillowpets.com. Can we get one? Only 19.95!"
My first thought was, "Those #@!! commercials!"
My daughter had been reeled in big time by a commercial depicting adorable plush stuffed animals that can either be a pet or unrolled into a pillow. Somehow the fact that it was a pillow AND a pet made it irresistible. She recorded the commercial onto our DVR and insisted on playing it for me...multiple times! To really seal the deal, she informed me that she could pay for it herself with money she saved from Chinese New Year.
As every good mother does, I then asked myself, "What's in this for me?" I decided to make a deal with my daughter. I told her that if she could demonstrate two weeks of exemplary behavior (no pouting or whining or excessive arguing), I would order her a pillow pet. I know, many of you probably disagree with my incentive method. But "experts" have proven that with these incentive methods, the good behavior will over time become automatic, proving the incentives unnecessary. So, the week started off peacefully until one day a friend of mine (whose daughter happens to be my daughter's best girlfriend) asked me innocently, "Alice, what's a pillow pet?" NO! She did not!! Yes, she did. My daughter was spreading her obsession to others. Peddling pillow pets to her friends.
That hitch aside, my daughter successfully completed her two week period and earned her giraffe pillow pet. I must admit that I really enjoyed the past two weeks with my "I'm on my best behavior" daughter. What is Nickelodeon selling next?
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