Part of my A+ perfection is my obsession to "perfect" things that already exist. Take lists for example. I *LOVE* making lists. I have pads of paper everywhere around the house, in the car, and in my purse so I can create lists any time and any where. However, being the perfectionist, I am not quite satisfied to merely make a list, I must perfect the list. My grocery shopping list is one such example. I have been obsessing over creating the perfect list or maybe it's the perfect system for my trips to the grocery store. Until recently, it was a lot (and then some more) of fine tuning with no finished product. Until now...
Imagine my excitement when I discovered a kindred spirit, here on Design*Sponge! She created a personalized grocery list for herself! It looked so wonderful that I used her design and personalized it for myself. I have saved mine as a pdf file that you can download. CLICK HERE
Stay tuned for more list "perfecting!" Happy shopping!
First: my name is also Alice. Hated it when I was a child, love it now--it's pretty and there aren't many of us out there! Second: I love your blog and how reader-friendly it is (and I'm also a perfectionist, so I double relate). Third: I study blogs as part of my job for a cooking software company (which is how I found you--talk about lucky). Since I work for the company I use their product and it’s good stuff. Without sounding like an infomercial, I wanted to tell you about their software recipe software that’s simplified my life a ton. FINALLY I can find what I need, when I need it, without having to scour through boatloads of recipes and books! (I’ve included the link in case you are interested.) Lastly, thanks so much for a great blog—I love your information and how reader-friendly your site is!