Friday, February 5, 2010

Friends Coming to Town!

One of my dear friends from San Francisco is coming in for a visit this evening. She's bringing her daughter with her and we are all going to see Mary Poppins on Saturday. They leave Saturday evening, but it will be a wonderful visit no matter the length! I met Karen at Mommy & Me class when our babies were about six weeks old. Technically I guess that makes Karen's daughter my son's first friend. They spent a lot of time together when we lived in San Francisco. Unfortunately they were both too young to really remember. But that doesn't mean that I still don't show him pictures of the two of them when they were babies and pictures of his friend now. He especially likes the pictures of her dressed up as Mary Poppins for Halloween. I'll have to be sure to ask Karen if she can recognize my progression towards "more relaxed mommy." After all, who better to gauge my progress than someone who witnessed me as a full-fledged, Type-A, first time mom? Maybe I wasn't as bad as I think. I mean, not only is she still a dear friend, she's coming to visit!


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