Because of all the rain we've been having this week (not that I am complaining...we definitely need it), we've been playing a ton of checkers and chess at home. Or rather, the kids have been. I dabble in checkers but I actually don't know how to play chess. I never had the urge to learn...probably because I am too impatient to actually sit still for that long. While I was out-of-town this past weekend, my husband taught the kids how to play chess and now they are obsessed...even my four-year-old.
In fact, she asked my yesterday if I wanted to play chess. I told her I don't know how to play. She replied excitedly, "That's ok mommy. I can teach you!" Hmmm. "Okay, sure."
She proceeded to set up the board for us, made her first move and then said, "It's your turn mommy." I reached for the instructions, but she cried out, "No mommy! I can teach you. You don't need the directions." She then gave me the quick and dirty about each piece. "The king can do anything mommy, seriously, he can. The queen has to protect the king. The castle can move like this..." and so on and so on. She did her best over the next few minutes to help me through my moves when it was my turn. But, after moving some of my pawns around and then my "horse", I was stuck. And my daughter could tell.
"What's wrong mommy?"
"I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't know what to do now. I'm stuck. I haven't ever played chess before."
She pondered that for a minute. "It's ok mommy if it's too complicated for you. We can try again another time."
Humbled by a four-year-old.
*image courtesy of wikipedia
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