The day that every mom looks forward to with both melancholy and enthusiasm finally arrived! Please forgive me as I wax on for a brief moment about our first day of school.
As usual, my kids made me feel foolish for worrying about getting back in the morning routine by waking up the earliest they had since school was over (with smiling faces even.) Since dad was taking the kids on their first day too, there was an added buzz in the air. Yeah daddy!
This year my son started first grade or "the grades" as he calls it. Time to get serious as is evidenced by the fact that there are individual desks this year instead of tables and no more rest time. My son has always loved school and was all smiles seeing his buds again after the long summer hiatus.
My daughter started pre-K which is basically the last year of preschool before kindergarten. She was assigned the same pre-K teacher as big brother so she showed up the first day ready to rule her roost. She greeted the teacher with a big hug and cheerily sang, "I love you mommy!" as I left the classroom.
Walking out of the classroom I wasn't sure whether to whoop it up or weep. Luckily I quickly located my fellow moms and we headed for the long awaited M-WOK (Meal Without Kids!)
Image courtesy of Flickr and LizMarie
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