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I cannot believe another Halloween has come and gone! The kids of course are already talking about what they are going to be next year! We have a great neighborhood for trick-or-treating with a gaggle of kids all under the age of eight and houses that really get into the spirit. We have a group of 10 kids from our street (and various friends who join from year to year) who always meet at our house for pictures and then head out trick-or-treating together. At one point last night our group, along with other kids in the neighborhood, totaled 17. I can only imagine the look on people's faces when they opened the door to 17 exuberant trick-or-treaters! Talk about having to refill the candy bowl.
Ah, to be a kid again!

One of the many many reasons we love our school is the annual Halloween Parade. Now I know that other schools have Halloween festivities too and I am sure they are quite lovely. But ours seem just right. It's not too big, not too much pomp, and not too drawn out which is probably the most important part because it's always blazing hot. Each class takes a turn parading around the black top in front of cheering family members and friends. I love seeing all the costumes and make mental notes to myself when a fabulous "no sewing required" costume walks by. What I love most though is seeing how much fun my son has. He's not quite sure which part is more fun: watching the parade with his friends while they wait or getting his turn to march in the parade!
My son - a young Josh Beckett! (pitcher for the Boston Red Sox)

Although I have made great strides in trying to shed my perfectionist ways, the process of designing this blog has caused A Plus Alice to resurface! Instead of just introducing my blog with the standard Blogger template, I instead chose to wait for a wonderful new design.
This is where the heroine Ellie from Rainy Day Templates entered the picture. Ellie is an absolute saint who put up with all my questions and revisions both large and small. Well, at the risk of appearing as a shameless self-promoter, I think the end product is fabulous. Thank you Ellie! If you are looking for a creative, fresh design to bring your blog to life, please visit Rainy Day Templates.
Do you ever have one of those conversation with your kids that starts out innocently enough and quickly goes downhill? I had one of those tonight. My kids and I were watching Game 5 of the Yankees/Angels series when I happened to utter under my breath, "He's pissed." Oops, right?
My perceptive son immediately asks me, "What mommy?"
"Oh sorry. Mommy said a bad word that I shouldn't have said."
"That's ok mommy. I know all the bad words." Uh-oh, here we go.
Then his younger sister chimes in with, "Me too mommy. He told me." Well, of course he did.
My son then proceeds to tell me that he knows the "B-word, S-word, D-word,"and even an "H-word." At this point I am screaming in my head "Seriously?!". Where did he learn these words? Curiosity got the better of me.
"Where did you hear all these words sweetie?"
"I just know them. Like the S-word" At this point he tries to mouth the word to me. I cannot really make out the word and I think it might even have an extra syllable.
"It's ok sweetheart. You can say it out loud."
I brace myself as he whispers, "stupid" in a quiet voice.
Oh! That S-word.
From there we go through the rest of the words and this is what I came away with:
S-word - stupid
B-word - butt
the elusive H-word - hate
Lastly, my son asks, "What about the D-word? I hear some people say it at school."
I hesitate, but ask, "What do they say?"
"Well, I guess that one is ok."
And of course my daughter immediately chimes in with, "What about the other D-word damnit, mommy?"
"No, absolutely not that one!"
"But I have heard you say it, " argues my son.
"Time for bed!"
For about 48 hours I was in another world - and not just because Vegas can make you feel like you are on another planet. I was in a world far far away from small children with endless needs, carpools, and schedules that would make a five-star general proud. Our weekend was filled with absolutely whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted and it was pure bliss. And thank you to our wonderful friends who jumped through all sorts of hoops to join us - it really means the world to us!
My husband is turning the big 4-0 so I am off to Las Vegas to celebrate with some friends. My wonderful and generous sister flew into town to babysit. Can't remember the last time my husband and I got away from the kids together...
Apologies to the east coast and other areas covered in snow and frost, but I am giddy...rejoicing about the cool weather that has finally blown into my Southern California suburb! With visions of sweaters, scarves, and boots dancing in my head I settle into slumber..